CS | Cyber Security

Scientific orientation

Trust is good, control is better – or so the saying goes. When it comes to IT today, trust is inept and control is imperative!

IT systems and their users often do not live up to the trust placed in them. Quite to the contrary, they are vulnerable in many ways. It is therefore critical to monitor security-relevant processes during IT usage to protect against attacks and ensure operational capability.

The Cyber ​​Security (CS) department develops confidence-building measures and control mechanisms. Monitoring of security-related processes and their assessment with regard to security conformity enables a constant overview. The department’s research is focused on analysis of attack techniques and the development of approaches to their detection and defense against them.

In addition, the team of scientists studies and tests whether protective measures can be defeated. In this connection, they have a particular interest in close examination of networked environments which have been introduced to IT only recently, such as smart buildings or the Internet of Things.