SE | Balanced Human Systems Integration

The (Balanced) Human Systems Integration (SE) department refines user-centric approaches and unites them with technology-focused perspectives to create a seamless interaction of people, complex technical systems and processes. The aim is utility-oriented, balanced and integrated system design. At the same time, the department takes care to manage and minimize the existential risks associated with these systems.

Human-centered, technology-based and process-oriented perspectives are sensibly combined with one another. The central questions in this regard are: How can technology be adapted to humans? To what extent can humans adapt to systems through training? And, how can organization and processes bring people and technology together intelligently?

Based on the requirements of our customers and partners, requirements are systematically identified and structured into use cases. Based on technology surveys, a solution and design framework tailored to the problem at hand is then defined in close consultation with the client.

Co-creation workshops yield alternative solutions and assessments of initial effects. In this context, methods of participative design are applied to make solution options tangible and verifiable at an early stage and at a reasonable cost. Once the hardware and software prototypes of the target system and the necessary human-machine interfaces have been developed, they are tested in extensive user studies in simulations and in the field.

Cooperative Guidance & Control of vehicles (KFF)

Cooperative Guidance & Control of vehicles and systems is the cooperation of a person with at least one computer in driving at least one vehicle. The human and the computer form perception-based intentions and implement them in actions. In this context, the (balanced) Human Systems Integration (SE) department examines the interaction between human and machine and aims to design comprehensive, balanced human-machine systems.


Official bodies/networks

  • NATO Applied Vehicle Technology Research Task Group (AVT RTG) 290: Standardization of Augmented Reality for Land Platforms in Combat Environments
  • NATO Human Factors and Medicine Research Task Group (HFM RTG) 247: Human-Autonomy Teaming: Supporting Dynamically Adjustable Collaboration
  • NATO Human Factors and Medicine Panel
  • ISO Standards Committee AK50



  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (IAW) - Academic and Research Department Human Systems Integration



Better visibility in protected vehicles

The Bundeswehr operates a wide range of complex land vehicles that place high demands on their drivers. The project »Vision support and driving assistance for protected vehicles (SiFaU)« explores concepts for ergonomically validated technical driving assistance and vision systems as well as remote control assistance and automation systems.


Automated driving in military platoons

An essential quality of partially and highly automated vehicles is that the driver and the automation cooperate closely and that the driver is always able to resume control in any automation level. The project »Highly automated platooning of ground vehicles (StrAsRob)« illustrates this concept. 


Cooperative & Highly Automated Convoy Driving

Automated truck driving in the form of automated convoys is on the verge of series development. In the project “Exploration of cooperative, highly automated convoy management” (EKOHOK), various systems were tested and compared with regard to their automation. A new user interface for guiding the convoy was also developed and evaluated together with the German Armed Forces.